On behalf of the GHIS team I would like to congratulate the graduating cohort for an impressive academic achievement. The results released yesterday by the IB are excellent, and aligned with the hard work, dedication, determination and talent demonstrated by all students. The overall level of achievement for the cohort is (very) high. Many individual students scored at the higher grade bands of the Diploma, and the vast majority of students performed as predicted. This achievement level is not only a testimony for the kind of learning skills students develop at GHIS, but also an important mark in their growth as learners and more importantly – as people.
This was an extremely challenging journey for our graduates, as the first cohort to go through the pandemic throughout their course of studies. This cohort also faced the recent military conflict between Israel and Gaza, and the cancelation of examinations that followed. In between these dramatic events, we also remember that students of the class of 2021 entered a one-year old school (back then with no lounge, no Learning Center and a different dining hall service) and took a very active role in community-building and in building a school ethos. We send our appreciation, love and respect to all graduates and feel that we were privileged to have you on campus. GHIS remains part of your family in the future as well, and you will remain a part of us always.
Well done class of 2021!