The Profound Kindness project aims to encourage acts of kindness throughout the GHIS community, improve communication, and resolve conflicts.
Yes, You Can Be Taught to Be Kind
The Profound Kindness team underwent three weeks of “kindness training” with the Conflict Communication Advisor, during which they learned about the essence of kindness, the patterns of conflict and how to resolve them. Looking for a way to implement their understanding at GHIS, the students created the Profound Kindness project.
The project promotes a culture of kindness and meaningful relationships on our campus through various activities and workshops. The project is another way that GHIS educates the next generation of leaders that their individual actions are fundamental to creating a shared society and living in peace among different peoples.
The boarding team organized a Festival of Kindness. The goal of the festival was to inspire change, cultivate relationships, and promote a culture of peace among the GHIS community. Students played games, such as Pairing Up, Treasure Hunt, and Pantomime, which were followed by a karaoke and pizza party. Student feedback was incredibly positive as they reported having fun together, as well as getting a thankful reprieve from the academic stress that comes at the end of the school year.
Kindness Is Always Shown by Our Counselors
One of Tal’s favorite life quotes is ”Love thy neighbor as thyself”—which is something that she lives by and models to our students. She is another of our outstanding counselors who cares sincerely about each student and is always expressing kindness towards the community.
Talking about the role of Profound Kindness in GHIS, she said that it is a vitally important concept in order to build a strong community that is composed of people of so many different cultures, nationalities, and colors, like at GHIS. To make each member of GHIS feel at home, accepted and loved, by being open-minded and kind people learn to respect and support the other despite their differences. To achieve this, Tal finds innovative ways to construct a community with mortar made of kindness, love, and respect.